Sunday, September 26, 2010

Unrest at Episcopal Cafe

Or, more accurately "unrest-cure."  My newest piece is up at Episcopal Cafe, and my "unrest-cure" is my starting point.  So, wander over to the Cafe and take a look.

And while you're there, check out what my colleagues have written there.  My colleagues are always interesting, and we contributors are always interested in comments.  Catch some news, read some great essays, and explore the multimedia presentations, and then let us know what you think.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thought for 9.23.10

Do not answer fools according to their folly, 
   or you will be a fool yourself. 
Answer fools according to their folly,
   or they will be wise in their own eyes. (Proverbs 26:4-5)

 This is one of my favorite passages of Scripture, and one that I wrestle with frequently.  How important is the issue at hand?  Just how far off is the person I'm addressing?  Just how certain am I of my position (okay, well, that isn't an issue all that often)?  Sometimes I wonder if I don't need in more cases not to answer the fools.

But if we all did that, whatever would happen to the blogosphere?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Another New Resource on Bioethics

Yes, I've been away a while.  I'm back, and I have some stuff in process.

In the meantime, I want to point to a new ethics resource.  I've written before about the Center for Practical Bioethics.  They have some good resources on their web site, and have for some time have the blog Practical Bioethics and the Practical Bioethics Media Center.  (For more, check out the Center's page under "Center Media" in the right sidebar.)

Well, the folks at the Center have been busy.  They're now involved in the American Journal of Bioethics (AJOB) and its web site,  You can access there the content of AJOB, and also a blog discussing these issues.

So, when you're checking into research and writing on bioethics, this is another worthwhile site.  Take some time to see there what's of interest to you.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

An Opportunity

I don't often recommend a service, but here's one for all my chaplain geek colleagues - that is, for the really determined research-informed chaplains.  SAGE Publications offers a wide selection of professional journals, including many from outside the United States.  I first discovered them when accessing journals through my health system's library, but then was able to access them from home.  Many of them they make available on the web.

Now and again SAGE Journals Online offer free access to their entire list.  I'm sure they hope that readers will discover journals to which they want to subscribe.  In any case, periodically they offer an opportunity to sign up for free access, usually for a period of four to six weeks.  For those of us who find browsing new journals to be voyages of intellectual discovery, it's a lot of fun.  For example, a search on the word "chaplain" produces more than 2800 citations.

And they're offering it now.  So, link over and think about whether you want to register.  You might find a lot to see.